GUMUL PARADISE ISLAND Today the tourist water ( water park ) is a vehicle that is most in demand by the public so that citizens...
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Jumat, 27 Juni 2014
Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

Gumul Paradise Island / GPI Kediri
Dewasa ini wisata air (water park) adalah wahana yang paling diminati oleh warga masyarakat sehingga hampir di setiap daerah, pemerintah ...
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Simpang Lima Gumul Kediri / L'arch De' Triomphe Kediri
Jika mendengar nama L’arch D’ Triomphe, apa yang terpikirkan di benak Anda? Perancis? Kejayaan? Kemakmuran? Anda benar. Semua itu merup...
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Kediri Rafting
Arung Jeram Sungai Konto Satu keistimewaan yang tidak bisa dilupakan dari Kabupaten Kediri adalah ketika kita bisa berkunjung ke Keca...
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Visit East Java,
Visit Indonesia
Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

Top 10 Indonesian landmarks
Ten landmarks in Indonesia were recognized on Tuesday as must-see destinations by TripAdvisor, according to its 2014 Travelers’ Choi...
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Tourism Spot The Tourism Spots of Kediri Comprise are Rekreasi, Kuliner, nature dan Religi,: Nature spots Gua Selomangleng , di K...
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Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

How To Grow Orchids - Method 2 of 2: Nurturing Your Orchids 7
7. Understand that each orchid is different. Each strand of orchid has different caretaking needs and rules. No one orchid is th...
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How To Grow Orchids - Method 2 of 2: Nurturing Your Orchids 6
6. Keep the humidity level up. Because of orchids' natural affinity for humidity, keep the humidity of your growing room —...
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How To Grow Orchids - Method 2 of 2: Nurturing Your Orchids 5
5. Do not over-fertilize your orchids. Typically, expect to fertilize your orchid once a month, but rarely more. Fertilize too...
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How To Grow Orchids - Method 2 of 2: Nurturing Your Orchids 4
4. Care for the orchids diligently. Orchids require much more attention than your average plant or flower. The thicker your le...
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